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March 24, 2024
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2024 Reading ChallengeReto de Lectura 2024

Celebrate Reading! Congratulations to the Winners of the 2024 Reading Challenge!

2024 District Wide Reading Challenge- Winners/Final Standings
Congratulations to the winners of the District Wide Reading Challenge! 156,016 books were read in total since the challenge began. These are the schools and grades in order of most books read for each competitive level for this final week:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Oak Park, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center
K-2: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5: Allen, Hermes, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Dieterich
6-8: Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy, Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12th, 9th, 11th, 10th
EASD 131 Staff: Allen, Bardwell, Cowherd, FRMA, Beaupre ###

All students district wide from Pre-K to 12th grade were encouraged to read in both English and Spanish and keep a written record of the books they read from February 5 to March 15.

What counted towards the Reading Challenge? Anything other than assigned classroom titles in Middle School and High School. Fiction, non-fiction, books, manga, graphics, magazines, stories, poetry-anything with a title, record it for Reading Challenge credit! 

From each academic level-Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th and Middle School, the school that reports the highest percentage of books read by students will be crowned the 2024 Reading Champions.  For East Aurora High School it will be the grade level that reports the highest percentage of books read that will be crowned a 2024 Reading Champion. 

Questions? Talk to your school librarian or assistant.

2024 District Wide Reading Challenge -Week 1 Standings
The EASD 131 district-wide reading challenge is off to a great start 15,786 books read! These are the leading schools and grades in each competitive grade-band in order of most books read for week 1:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center, Oak Park
Kindergarten-2nd: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3rd-5th: Allen, Bardwell, O’Donnell, Rollins, Beaupre
6th-8th: Simmons, Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy(FRMA), Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 9th, 12th, 11th, 10th
EASD 131 Staff: Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, FRMA, Cowherd

2024 District Wide Reading Challenge-Week 2 Standings
The EASD 131 district-wide reading challenge is now at 39,841 books read! These are the leading schools and grades in order of most books read for each competitive grade for week two:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center, Oak ParkK-2: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5: Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Hermes, Rollins
6-8: Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy (FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12th, 9th, 11th, 10th
EASD 131 Staff: Allen, FRMA, Cowherd, Bardwell, Beaupre

2024 District Wide Reading Challenge- Week 3 Standings
The EASD 131 district-wide reading challenge is now at 65,335 books read! These are the leading schools and grades in order of most books read for each competitive level for week three:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Oak Park, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center,
K-2: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5: Allen, O’Donnell, Hermes, Bardwell, Krug
6-8: Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy (FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12th, 9th, 11th, 10th
EASD 131 Staff: Allen, Cowherd, Bardwell, FRMA, Hermes

2024 District Wide Reading Challenge- Week 4 Standings
The EASD 131 district-wide reading challenge is now at 92,985 books read! These are the leading schools and grades in order of most books read for each competitive level for week four:
Pre-K O’Donnell, Oak Park, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center
K-2 Hermes, Benavides, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5 Allen, Hermes, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Rollins
6-8 Magnet, Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS 12th, 9th, 11th, 10th
EASD 131 Staff Allen, Cowherd, Magnet, Bardwell, Hermes

2024 District Wide Reading Challenge- Week 5 Standings
The EASD 131 district-wide reading challenge is now at 119,769 books read! These are the leading schools and grades in order of most books read for each competitive level for week five:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Oak Park, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center
K-2: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5: Allen, Hermes, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Dieterich
6-8: Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy(FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12th, 9th, 10th,11th
EASD 131 Staff: Allen, Cowherd, FRMA, Bardwell, Beaupre

School Library Reading Challenge



¡Celebra La Lectura! ¡Felicidades a los ganadores del Reto de Lectura 2024!

Reto de Lectura de Todo el Distrito 2024 – Resultados De La Semana Final y Ganadores 
¡Felicitaciones a los ganadores del Reto de Lectura de Todo el Distrito! ¡El Reto de Lectura de todo EASD 131 terminó con 156,016 libros leídos! Estas son las escuelas y grados destacados en orden del grado competitivo que leyó más libros durante la semana seis, la cual es la semana final:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center, Oak Park
K-2°: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3°-5° Allen, Hermes, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Rollins
6°-8° Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy (FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12°, 9°, 11°, 10°
Personal de EASD 131: Allen, FRMA, Cowherd, Bardwell, Beaupre ###

Se animó  a todos los estudiantes de pre-k a 12° grado, de todo el distrito, a leer tanto en ingles que en español y apuntar los libros que hayan leído entre el 5 de febrero al 15 de marzo.

¿Qué contó para el Reto de Lectura? ¡Cualquier cosa que no fue asignado en las clases de las escuelas intermedias y la secundaria! Ficción, no ficción, libros, manga, gráficos, revistas, cuentos, poesía. Cualquier cosa que tuviera título, su pudo registrar para obtener crédito del Reto de Lectura.

De cada nivel académico: Pre-K, K-2do, 3er-5to y las escuelas intermedias, la escuela que reporte el mayor porcentaje de libros leídos por estudiantes serán coronados como Campeones de Lectura de 2024. Para East Aurora High School, será el nivel de grado que reporte el mayor porcentaje de libros leídos el que será coronado Campeón de Lectura 2024.

¿Preguntas? Habla con el/la bibliotecario(a) de tu escuela o su asistente.

Reto de Lectura a Nivel Distrito 2024-Resultados de la Primera Semana
¡El reto de lectura de todo el distrito EASD 131 tuvo un gran comienzo con 15,786 libros leídos! Estas son las escuelas y grados que encabezan cada grupo competitivo en orden de mayor número de los libros leídos durante la semana 1:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Aries “Jaybird” González Child Center, Early Childhood Center, Oak Park
K–2°: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3°–5°: Allen, Bardwell, O’Donnell, Rollins, Beaupré
6°–8°: Simmons, Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy(FRMA), Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 9°, 12°, 11°, 10°
Personal de EASD 131: Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, FRMA, Cowherd

Reto de Lectura de Todo el Distrito 2024- Resultados de la Semana 2
¡El desafío de lectura de todo el distrito EASD 131 ahora tiene 39,841 libros leídos! Estas son las principales escuelas y grados en orden de mayoría de libros leídos para cada grado competitivo durante la segunda semana:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Centro Infantil Aries “Jaybird” González, Centro de Primera Infancia, Oak Park
K-2: Hermes, Academia STEAM Benavides, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5: Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Hermes, Rollins
6-8: Academia Magnet Fred Rodgers (FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12, 9, 11, 10
Personal de EASD 131: Allen, FRMA, Cowherd, Bardwell, Beaupre

Reto de Lectura de Todo el Distrito 2024 – Resultados de la Semana 3
¡El reto de lectura de todo EASD 131 lleva 65,335 libros leídos! Estas son las escuelas y grados destacados durante la semana 2 en orden del nivel competitivo que lleva más libros leídos:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center, Oak Park
K-2°: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3°-5° Allen, O’Donnell, Hermes, Bardwell, Krug
6°-8° Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy (FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12°, 9°, 11°, 10°
Personal de EASD 131: Allen, Cowherd, Bardwell, FRMA, Hermes

Reto de Lectura de Todo el Distrito 2024 – Resultados de la Semana 4
¡El desafío de lectura de todo el distrito EASD 131 ahora tiene 92,985 libros leídos! Estas son las principales escuelas y grados en orden de mayoría de libros leídos para cada nivel competitivo durante la cuarta semana:
Pre-K O’Donnell, Oak Park, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center
K-2 Hermes, Benavides, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5 Allen, Hermes, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Rollins
6-8 Magnet, Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS 12th, 9th, 11th, 10th
EASD 131 Staff Allen, Cowherd, Magnet, Bardwell, Hermes

Reto de Lectura de Todo el Distrito 2024 – Resultados de la Semana 5
¡El reto de lectura de todo EASD 131 lleva 119, 769 libros leídos! Estas son las escuelas y grados destacados en orden del grado competitivo que lleva más libros leídos durante la semana quinta:
Pre-K: O’Donnell, Oak Park, Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, Early Childhood Center
K-2: Hermes, Benavides STEAM Academy, Allen, O’Donnell, Bardwell
3-5: Allen, Hermes, O’Donnell, Bardwell, Dieterich
6-8: Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy(FRMA), Simmons, Cowherd, Waldo
EAHS: 12th, 9th, 10th,11th
EASD 131 Staff: Allen, Cowherd, FRMA, Bardwell, Beaupre

School Library Reading Challenge