East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
After School Supports begin Monday, September 20, in the library from 3:30-4:30 PM. Support/tutoring is available Monday through Thursday in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading. World Language support is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will also be ESL/Bilingual and Special Education support available. After School Supports begin Monday, September 20, in the library from 3:30-4:30 PM. Support/tutoring is available Monday through Thursday in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading. World Language support is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will also be ESL/Bilingual and Special Education support available.
The Tomcat College and Career Center (CCC) is online to explore various colleges and careers, investigate scholarship and financial aid opportunities, and see the full calendar of CCC visitors, programming and events. The CCC itself is open every day during all lunch periods and staffed by members of the EAHS student services team. The Tomcat College and Career Center (CCC) is online to explore various colleges and careers, investigate scholarship and financial aid opportunities, and see the full calendar of CCC visitors, programming and events. The CCC itself is open every day during all lunch periods and staffed by members of the EAHS student services team.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
This page contains information on your counselor, social worker, and dean. Counselors, social workers, and deans are assigned by student last name. Your counselor, social worker and dean are your student’s support team and work collaboratively to help encourage and support your student.
To see the breakdown of the Student Support Teams click the link below:
Student Support Teams for 24/25
The names, caseloads, and contact information of the Student Services Professional Staff are listed below:
School counselors guide students through the high school academic process, help them explore the variety of post-secondary opportunities and support their social-emotional learning and needs.
Jayshree Panchal
Students: A–Barajas
Location: 115
Email: jpanchal@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8030
Kalie Shekoni
Students: Barba-Carrillo
Location: 115
Email: kshekoni@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7977
Clare O’Connor
Students: Carrizales-D’Artagnan
Location: 092
Phone: 630-299-8000
Perla Menchaca
Students: Davila-Flores + ELL 1/2
Location: 092
Email: pmenchaca@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8122
Matt Sheahan
Students: Fonseca-Gonzalez
Location: 115
Email: msheahan01@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8152
Abby Peters
Students: Gormaz-Huante
Location: Library
Email: apeters@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8159
Nicolette Mendez
Students: Hubbard-Luna
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Email: nmendez@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7989
Sidney Budzinski
Students: Lupian-Monroy
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Email: sbudzinski@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8000
Shinnelle Taylor
Students: Montalvo-Ortiz
Location: Atrium
Email: staylor@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8129
Daisy Cruz
Students: Ortiz-Pulido + ELL 1/2
Location: Atrium
Email: dcruz@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8137
Monique Mitrani
Students: Puma-Rodriguez
Location: 089
Email: mmitrani@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8058
Kerry Leaf
Students: Rodriguez-Sconyers
Location: 089
Email: kleaf@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8165
Melisa Williams-Rivera
Students: Scott-Varela
Location: CCC
Email: mwilliamsrivera@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8055
Tracy Warwick
Students: Vargas-Z
Location: 092
Email: twarwick@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8063
Social workers help provide students throughout the building with social-emotional resources and provide students with special needs support and accommodations.
Abston Rappe
Students: A-Cardona
Location: 115
Email: arappe@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8110
Steve Geati
Students: Cardoza-Flores
Location: Library
Email: sgeati@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8080
Sheena Seranella
Students: Fonseca-Herrera
Location: Atrium
Email: sseranella@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8134
Annie Halsema
Students: Hicks-Mendoza
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Email: ahalsema@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7979
Jennifer Steffen
Students: Menjivar-Pizano
Location: Atrium
Email: jsteffen@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8010
Elizabeth Godinho
Students: Pizarro-Sanchez
Location: 089
Email: egodinho@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8142
Jason Redelman
Students: Sanchez – Z
Location: 219
Email: jredelman@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8141
Deans primarily address attendance issues, truancy concerns and disciplinary measures within the school building.
Raymond Moland
Location: 115
Students: A – Cardona
(630) 299-2447
Melissa DeFrenza-Israel
Location: 233
Students: Cardoza-Flores
(630) 299-8068
Rheon Gibson
Location: 100A
Students: Fonseca-Herrera
(630) 299-8096
Donald Donner
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Students: Hicks-Mendoza
(630) 299-7965
Kiel Douglass
Location: Atrium
Students: Menjivar-Pizano
(630) 299-7964
Jesse Jones
Location: 089
Students: Pizarro-Sanchez
(630) 299-8042
Anissa McArdle
Location: 115
Students: Sanchez – Z
(630) 299-8163
Nakita Stewart, Division Chair
Email: nstewart@d131.org
Francisco de los Santos, Associate Principal
Email: fdelossantos@d131.org
Carla Williams, Assistant Principal
Email: cwilliams@d131.org
The Tomcat College and Career Center is located next to the Library, and is generally open to all students during lunch periods.
Esta página contiene información sobre su consejero, trabajador social y decano. Los consejeros, trabajadores sociales y decanos son asignados por apellido del estudiante. Su consejero, trabajador social y decano son el equipo de apoyo de su estudiante y trabajan en colaboración para ayudar a animar y apoyar a su estudiante.
Los nombres, el número de casos y la información de contacto del personal profesional de servicios estudiantiles se enumeran a continuación:
Los consejeros escolares guían a los estudiantes a través del proceso académico de la escuela secundaria, los ayudan a explorar la variedad de oportunidades posteriores a la secundaria y apoyan su aprendizaje y sus necesidades socioemocionales.
Jayshree Panchal
Students: A – Barraza, En
Location: 089
Email: jpanchal@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8030
Students: Barraza, Ga – Castro, Ja
Kerry Leaf
Students: Castro, Ju – Donjuan
Location: 115
Email: kleaf@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8165
Karina Ruiz
Students: Dorantes – Garcia, Ev + ELL 1/2
Location: 092
Email: kruiz@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8122
Matt Sheahan
Students: Garcia, Ge – Guzman, Sha
Location: 115
Email: msheahan01@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8152
Students: Guzman, Yu – Laliwala
Nicolette Mendez
Students: Lamadrid – Martinez, Va
Location: 089
Email: nmendez@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7989
Students: Martinez, Ya – Norberto
Shinnelle Taylor
Students: Noriega – Prado, Aa
Location: 089
Email: staylor@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8129
Daisy Cruz
Students: Prado, O – Roberts, Ka + ELL 1/2
Location: 092
Email: dcruz@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8137
Monique Mitrani
Students: Robins, Ty – Santana, Ash
Location: 089
Email: mmitrani@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8058
Ryan Adamski
Students: Santellanes – Valdez, Re
Location: 102 A
Email: radamski@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8055
Tracy Warwick
Students: Valdez, St – Z
Location: 115
Email: twarwick@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8063
Los trabajadores sociales ayudan a proporcionar a los estudiantes en todo el edificio recursos socioemocionales y brindan a los estudiantes apoyo y adaptaciones para necesidades especiales.
Abston Rappe
Students: A – Cerenil
Location: Atrium
Email: arappe@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8110
Steve Geati
Students: Cervantes – Gomora
Location: 219C
Email: sgeati@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8080
Sheena Seranella
Students: Gonzalez – Lopez
Location: Atrium
Email: sseranella@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8134
Annie Halsema
Students: Lorenz – Panaloza
Location: Atrium
Email: ahalsema@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7979
Gabriela Arriaga
Students: Penny – Sanchez
Location: Atrium
Email: garriaga@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7964
Students: Sanders – Z
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Phone: 630-299-8142
Los decanos abordan principalmente los problemas de asistencia, las preocupaciones sobre el ausentismo escolar y las medidas disciplinarias dentro del edificio escolar.
Antonio Rios
Students: A – Cerenil
Location: 233
Email: arios01@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-2447
Derrick Smith
Students: Cervantes – Gomora
Location: Room 115
Email: dsmith@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8068
Students: Gonzalez – Lopez
Location: Room 115
Email: wornelas@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-8096
Students: Lorenz – Panaloza
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Email: sschmiesing@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7965
Students: Penny – Sanchez
Location: Room 115
Email: tramey@d131.org
Phone: 630-299-7964
Jesse Jones
Students: Sanders – Z
Location: Freshmen Center Office
Email: jjones@d131.org
Phone: 630.299.8042
Francisco De Los Santos, Subdirector
Email: fdelossantos@d131.org
Carla Williams, Subdirector
Email: cwilliams@d131.org
El Tomcat College and Career Center está ubicado junto a la biblioteca y generalmente está abierto a todos los estudiantes durante los períodos de almuerzo.
Para obtener más información sobre la herramienta Naviance College and Career Student Advising, o para solicitar una transcripción actual del estudiante, visite Naviance.
Board of Education MeetingReunión de la Junta de Educación
Finance & Personnel CommitteeComité de finanzas y personal
EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.
Buildings and Grounds CommitteeComité de Edificios e Instalaciones
EASD 131 Administrative Center, 310 Seminary Avenue, AuroraEASD 131 Administrative Center, 310 Seminary Avenue, Aurora
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