Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now available to students. Whether you're new, returning, or enrolling a kindergartener, please visit to complete the registration process.La inscripción de estudiantes ya está abierta para el año escolar 2024-2025. Visite para registrar estudiantes nuevos, que regresan y de Kínder.
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.
Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.
Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now available to students. Whether you're new, returning, or enrolling a kindergartener, please visit to complete the registration process.La inscripción de estudiantes ya está abierta para el año escolar 2024-2025. Visite para registrar estudiantes nuevos, que regresan y de Kínder.
Celebrate Black History Month
East Aurora School District 131 extends an invitation to our entire community to join us in celebrating and learning during Black History Month. This is a special time for reflection and paying tribute to the remarkable achievements and contributions made by African Americans to our nation.
Celebra el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana
El Distrito Escolar 131 de East Aurora extiende una invitación a toda nuestra comunidad para que se unan a nosotros para celebrar y aprender durante el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana. Este es un momento especial para reflexionar y rendir homenaje a los notables logros y contribuciones de los afroamericanos a nuestra nación.
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