Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now available to students. Whether you're new, returning, or enrolling a kindergartener, please visit to complete the registration process.La inscripción de estudiantes ya está abierta para el año escolar 2024-2025. Visite para registrar estudiantes nuevos, que regresan y de Kínder.
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.
Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.
Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.Changes have been made to Student Support Teams. Click here to see the most updated information for students' assigned Dean, Social Worker, and Counselor, as well as associated contact information and office locations.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now available to students. Whether you're new, returning, or enrolling a kindergartener, please visit to complete the registration process.La inscripción de estudiantes ya está abierta para el año escolar 2024-2025. Visite para registrar estudiantes nuevos, que regresan y de Kínder.
U.S. News & World Report has named Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy one of the best Middle Schools in the Nation for 2025!
Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. The top-ranked schools are all high-achieving and have succeeded at educating all their students. The EASD 131 Board of Education recognized Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy at the January 13, 2025 board meeting with a banner and plaque that will be displayed at their school.
“We are very proud of the long standing exemplary work of our Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy staff, students, parents and administrators,” expressed Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Norrell. “We wanted to make sure they were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments.”
“This recognition reflects the excellence in which our students apply themselves to their academics, extra-curricular activities, and service to others. Our students’ hard work, staff professionalism and family engagement fosters an environment in which our kids flourish,” shared Principal Brian Valek. “While Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy has always received outstanding support from District 131 and the Aurora community, it is gratifying for our school community to receive this prestigious national recognition.”
Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education, where students engage in rigorous coursework with a strong emphasis on technology integration across subjects, offering electives like robotics, design modeling, and computer science, with the goal of solving real-world problems through project-based learning and is known for its commitment to character development and often recognized for high academic achievement and student engagement.
Make sure to read this article in the Patch Newspaper and the Beacon-News article about this important recognition! Beacon News Article FRMA Best Middle Schools in Nation
¡U.S. News & World Report ha nombrado a Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy una de las mejores escuelas intermedias del país de 2025!
Las escuelas se clasifican según su desempeño en los exámenes requeridos por el estado, su graduación y qué tan bien preparan a sus estudiantes para la escuela secundaria. Las escuelas mejor clasificadas son todas de alto rendimiento y han logrado educar a todos sus estudiantes. La Junta de Educación de EASD 131 reconoció a Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy en la reunión del 13 de enero de 2025 con una pancarta y una placa que se exhibirán en su escuela.
“Estamos muy orgullosos del trabajo ejemplar de larga data de nuestro personal, estudiantes, padres y administradores de Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy,” expresó la superintendente Dra. Jennifer Norrell. “Queríamos asegurarnos de que fueran reconocidos por estos logros sobresalientes.”
“Este reconocimiento refleja la excelencia con la que nuestros estudiantes se aplican en sus actividades académicas, extracurriculares y en el servicio a los demás. El arduo trabajo de nuestros estudiantes, el profesionalismo del personal y la participación familiar fomentan un entorno en el que nuestros niños prosperan,” compartió el director Brian Valek. “Si bien Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy siempre ha recibido un apoyo excepcional del Distrito 131 y la comunidad de Aurora, es gratificante para nuestra comunidad escolar recibir este prestigioso reconocimiento nacional.”
Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy se centra en la educación STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas), donde los estudiantes participan en cursos rigurosos con un fuerte énfasis en la integración de la tecnología en todas las materias, ofreciendo materias optativas como robótica, modelado de diseño e informática, con el objetivo de de resolver problemas del mundo real a través del aprendizaje basado en proyectos y es conocido por su compromiso con el desarrollo del carácter y, a menudo, reconocido por su alto rendimiento académico y participación estudiantil.
¡Asegúrese de leer este artículo en el Patch y en el Beacon-News sobre este importante reconocimiento! Beacon News Article FRMA Best Middle Schools in Nation
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