East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
After School Supports begin Monday, September 20, in the library from 3:30-4:30 PM. Support/tutoring is available Monday through Thursday in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading. World Language support is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will also be ESL/Bilingual and Special Education support available. After School Supports begin Monday, September 20, in the library from 3:30-4:30 PM. Support/tutoring is available Monday through Thursday in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading. World Language support is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will also be ESL/Bilingual and Special Education support available.
The Tomcat College and Career Center (CCC) is online to explore various colleges and careers, investigate scholarship and financial aid opportunities, and see the full calendar of CCC visitors, programming and events. The CCC itself is open every day during all lunch periods and staffed by members of the EAHS student services team. The Tomcat College and Career Center (CCC) is online to explore various colleges and careers, investigate scholarship and financial aid opportunities, and see the full calendar of CCC visitors, programming and events. The CCC itself is open every day during all lunch periods and staffed by members of the EAHS student services team.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
East Aurora School District 131 has a new mission, vision, and five-year strategic plan. East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misión, visión y un plan estratégico de cinco años.
Our Board of Education meetings take place the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Please join us!Nuestras reuniones de la Junta de Educación se llevan a cabo el primer y tercer lunes de cada mes, a las 7:00 p.m. Por favor únase a nosotros!
Earlier this month, East Aurora High School Senior students had the opportunity to visit the main campus of Waubonsee Community College located in Sugar Grove, IL. This opportunity was made possible through a close collaboration between the East Aurora High School Counseling Department, Waubonsee Community College Admissions Manager Joy Sanders and Waubonsee Community College Admissions Advisor Daniela Salazar de Luna. It is through this partnership that District 131 continues to advance our mission on educating and empowering our students to develop into confident and productive global citizens This collaboration further exemplifies how Waubonsee Community College shares District 131’s commitment to Collaborative Leadership and Educational Excellence by engaging students and providing resources and support to further Student Achievement.
Waubonsee Community College was founded in 1966 and has been serving students from the East Aurora and surrounding communities ever since. They currently have 9,000 actively enrolled students and over 80 certificate and transfer program opportunities. In addition they provide students with 16 sports and 35 student clubs and organizations.
Over 100 EAHS students attended the Waubonsee Community College trip which allowed students to learn more about Waubonsee Community College and what their campus can offer them. Students were greeted with a Welcome Address and then were accompanied on a campus tour. Throughout the tour, students were able see the magnificent changing Fall colors on campus while getting a glimpse inside several Academic Buildings.
Admissions Advisor Daniela Salazar de Luna presented students with information on Waubonsee’s affordability, transferability, and adaptability. Waubonsee Community College offers East Aurora in-district tuition rates which greatly decreases the financial burden on students and families. Dany emphasized that Waubonsee Community College not only provides students the flexibility to schedule classes around their busy lives but also allows students to choose which method of instruction best suits their preferences. Students can take classes in-person, virtually or a hybrid of both.
Students were also provided with a presentation reviewing many of the scholarships available to students. Waubonsee offers the Foundation Scholarship which is a single application that encompasses over 160 individual scholarships with awards ranging as high as $3,500. The Gustafson Scholarship, however, covers the full cost of tuition and academic fees for two academic years. Students must meet two of the following three criteria to be eligible for the Gustafson Scholarship: 1) rank in Top 20 percent of their class, 2) 3.00 GPA or higher, and/or 3) score an 1140 or higher on the SAT.
The EAHS Counseling Department along with Waubonsee Community College hope to continue our collaborative partnership in order to best serve and support the students and families of East Aurora High School.
A principios de este mes, los estudiantes de último año de la Escuela Secundaria del Este de Aurora tuvieron la oportunidad de visitar el campus principal de Waubonsee Community College ubicado en Sugar Grove, IL. Esta oportunidad fue posible gracias a una estrecha colaboración entre el Departamento de Consejería de la Escuela Secundaria del Este de Aurora, la Gerente de Admisiones del Colegio Comunitario de Waubonsee, Joy Sanders, y la Asesora de Admisiones del Colegio Comunitario de Waubonsee, Daniela Salazar de Luna. Es a través de esta asociación que el Distrito 131 continúa avanzando en nuestra misión de educar y capacitar a nuestros estudiantes para que se conviertan en ciudadanos globales seguros y productivos. Esta colaboración ejemplifica aún más cómo Waubonsee Community College comparte el compromiso del Distrito 131 con el liderazgo colaborativo y la excelencia educativa al involucrar a los estudiantes y proporcionar recursos y apoyo para promover el logro estudiantil.
Waubonsee Community College fue fundado en 1966 y desde entonces ha estado sirviendo a estudiantes del este de Aurora y las comunidades circundantes. Actualmente tienen 9,000 estudiantes inscritos activamente y más de 80 oportunidades de programas de certificados y transferencias. Además, brindan a los estudiantes 16 deportes y 35 clubes y organizaciones estudiantiles.
Más de 100 estudiantes de EAHS asistieron al viaje de Waubonsee Community College que permitió a los estudiantes aprender más sobre Waubonsee Community College y lo que su campus puede ofrecerles. Los estudiantes fueron recibidos con un discurso de bienvenida y luego fueron acompañados en un recorrido por el campus. A lo largo del recorrido, los estudiantes pudieron ver los magníficos colores cambiantes del otoño en el campus mientras echaban un vistazo al interior de varios edificios académicos.
La asesora de admisiones, Daniela Salazar de Luna, presentó a los estudiantes información sobre la asequibilidad, transferencia y adaptabilidad de Waubonsee. Waubonsee Community College ofrece tarifas de matrícula dentro del distrito de East Aurora, lo que reduce en gran medida la carga financiera de los estudiantes y las familias. Dany enfatizó que Waubonsee Community College no solo brinda a los estudiantes la flexibilidad de programar clases según sus vidas ocupadas, sino que también les permite elegir el método de instrucción que mejor se adapte a sus preferencias. Los estudiantes pueden tomar clases en persona, virtualmente o un híbrido de ambos.
Los estudiantes también recibieron una presentación que revisaba muchas de las becas disponibles para los estudiantes. Waubonsee ofrece la Beca de la Fundación, que es una solicitud única que abarca más de 160 becas individuales con premios que alcanzan los $3500. La Beca Gustafson, sin embargo, cubre el costo total de la matrícula y las tasas académicas durante dos años académicos. Los estudiantes deben cumplir con dos de los siguientes tres criterios para ser elegibles para la Beca Gustafson: 1) clasificarse en el 20 por ciento superior de su clase, 2) 3.00 GPA o más, y/o 3) obtener un puntaje de 1140 o más en el SAT.
El Departamento de Consejería de EAHS junto con Waubonsee Community College esperan continuar nuestra asociación colaborativa para servir y apoyar mejor a los estudiantes y familias de la Escuela Secundaria del Este de Aurora.
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