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*Para ver el contenido de esta página en español, haga clic en “en Español” en la parte superior de la página. District…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Welcome to East Aurora School District 131 From our distinction as the first public school district in Illinois, to our classroom innovation that…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…


School Calendars 2024-2025 School Calendar 2024-2025 Calendario EscolarSchool Calendars 2024-2025 School Calendar 2024-2025 Calendario Escolar

Service CentersService Centers

District 131 Service Centers District 131 administrative offices are located at the following locations: Administrative Center 310 Seminary Avenue Aurora, IL 60505…District 131 Service Centers District 131 administrative offices are located at the following locations: Administrative Center 310 Seminary Avenue Aurora, IL 60505…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…


Office 365 is used by students and staff to communicate and collaborate. The links below are used to log into the school's…Office 365 is used by students and staff to communicate and collaborate. The links below are used to log into the school's…

Staff EmailStaff Email

Office 365 is used by students and staff to communicate and collaborate. The links below are used to log into the school's…Office 365 is used by students and staff to communicate and collaborate. The links below are used to log into the school's…

Board of EducationBoard of Education

Board Packets Board of Education meeting minutes and agendas are archived on BoardBook Premier. View the most recent school year board packets.…Board Packets Board of Education meeting minutes and agendas are archived on BoardBook Premier. View the most recent school year board packets.…

Business OfficeBusiness Office

The Business Office serves the District 131 community through the management of all financial and business operations including: Accounting Purchasing Student Transportation…The Business Office serves the District 131 community through the management of all financial and business operations including: Accounting Purchasing Student Transportation…

Human ResourcesHuman Resources

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the recruitment, hiring and the assignment of all employees of District 131, with the approval…The Human Resources Department is responsible for the recruitment, hiring and the assignment of all employees of District 131, with the approval…

Student ServicesStudent Services

The Student Services Department supports the District’s important work with students by overseeing special education, health services, hospital & home-bound service, McKinney-Vento…The Student Services Department supports the District’s important work with students by overseeing special education, health services, hospital & home-bound service, McKinney-Vento…


The Human Resources department announces a major initiative to recruit and hire bilingual teachers and substitute teachers. Learn more. District 131 is…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…


DR. JENNIFER NORRELL Superintendent, East Aurora School District 131 Aurora, Illinois Dr. Jennifer Norrell has served as superintendent since 2018 for East…DR. JENNIFER NORRELL Superintendent, East Aurora School District 131 Aurora, Illinois Dr. Jennifer Norrell has served as superintendent since 2018 for East…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

District FactsDistrict Facts

East Aurora School District 131 is the 13th largest school district in Illinois, encompassing 13 square miles within the east side of…East Aurora School District 131 is the 13th largest school district in Illinois, encompassing 13 square miles within the east side of…

Community RelationsCommunity Relations

The community relations office supports schools and students by coordinating district communication with families, staff and the community. Media Requests District 131’s…The community relations office supports schools and students by coordinating district communication with families, staff and the community. Media Requests District 131’s…

Language AcquisitionLanguage Acquisition

Mission and Vision Our mission is to educate and empower all students to reach their full potential through language acquisition. Vision: Students…Mission and Vision Our mission is to educate and empower all students to reach their full potential through language acquisition. Vision: Students…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

D131 Website Accessibility Policy In order to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Board PoliciesBoard Policies

Table of Contents East Aurora School District 131 Click to open the dropdown menu and explore our full Table of Contents. Here,…Table of Contents East Aurora School District 131 Click to open the dropdown menu and explore our full Table of Contents. Here,…

Buildings and Grounds CommitteeBuildings and Grounds Committee

B&G Meeting Recordings View September 5, 2023 meeting View October 2, 2023 meeting View November 6, 2023 meeting View December 4, 2023…B&G Meeting Recordings View September 5, 2023 meeting View October 2, 2023 meeting View November 6, 2023 meeting View December 4, 2023…

Student and Parent HandbookStudent and Parent Handbook

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…

School Day ScheduleSchool Day Schedule

View the 2024-2025 school day schedule in English or in Spanish Pre-K Half Day School Hours Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

School Supply ListsSchool Supply Lists

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysWeather Related Closings & Delays

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…

Attendance and AbsencesAttendance and Absences

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Annette McMahon Dear Oak Park Parents, It is my great honor to begin my 10th year leading our dedicated…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: Ensuring high levels of learning for all. Oak Park Elementary School serves approximately 650 students in grades Pre-K through 5. Oak…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Oak Park offers many extracurricular activities.  Drama club, choir, art club, softball, basketball and soccer are just a few of the activities…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Oak Park Parents, It is my great honor to begin my 10th year leading our dedicated staff and enthusiastic “Tigers” at…Dear Oak Park Parents, It is my great honor to begin my 10th year leading our dedicated staff and enthusiastic “Tigers” at…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Jacqueline Gibson Welcome to Henry W. Cowherd Middle School, the home of orange and blue Cougar Pride! At Cowherd,…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

Middle School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours (Cowherd, Simmons, Waldo): School Schedule Mon Tue (late start) Wed…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: At Cowherd Middle School, it is our mission to create life-long learners who have the skills to succeed.  Instruction will be…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Click Here for Club Information for the 2022/2023 School Year   Drama Club: An evening play will be presented on the stage…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Click Here for Athletics Information for the 2021/2022 School Year   Cowherd 8to18 Site District 131 believes that athletics are an integral…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Welcome to Henry W. Cowherd Middle School, the home of orange and blue Cougar Pride! At Cowherd, we are unwavering in our…Welcome to Henry W. Cowherd Middle School, the home of orange and blue Cougar Pride! At Cowherd, we are unwavering in our…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Mechelle Patterson Greetings from Simmons Middle School, the Home of the Proud Panthers! I am Mechelle Patterson and am…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

Middle School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours (Cowherd, Simmons, Waldo): School Schedule Mon Tue (late start) Wed…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Vision: Provide Academic Excellence and a Socially Responsible teaching community for all students. C. F. Simmons Middle School was named after East…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Clubs and Activities Acceptance Club This is a club that is anti-hate, ant-racist club that supports LGBTQIA+ students and allies and focuses…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Simmons 8to18 Site District 131 believes that athletics are an integral part of the total educational experience for boys and girls. We…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Greetings from Simmons Middle School, the Home of the Proud Panthers! I am Mechelle Patterson and am so delighted that you have…Greetings from Simmons Middle School, the Home of the Proud Panthers! I am Mechelle Patterson and am so delighted that you have…

Field TripsBiblioteca

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…Consulta los libros electrónicos a través de la aplicación OverDrive OverDrive Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver las instrucciones paso…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from the Principal, Eileen Roberts Waldo Wildcat Families, The 24-25 School Year is finally here! My name is Eileen Roberts and…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

Middle School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours (Cowherd, Simmons, Waldo): School Schedule Mon Tue (late start) Wed…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: K. D. Waldo Middle School is committed to enhancing the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of every student. Students will…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Clubs & After-School Activities Club: Tae-Kwon-Do Academy Meets: Tuesdays &Thursdays Time: 2:30-4:00 Location: Main Gym, 3rd floor hallway, room 318 Number of…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Waldo MS 8to18 Site   District 131 believes that athletics are an integral part of the total educational experience for boys and…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Waldo Wildcat Families, The 24-25 School Year is finally here! My name is Eileen Roberts and this will be my 3rd year…Waldo Wildcat Families, The 24-25 School Year is finally here! My name is Eileen Roberts and this will be my 3rd year…

About Our SchoolAbout Our School

Mission Statement: K. D. Waldo Middle School is committed to enhancing the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of every student. Students…Mission Statement: K. D. Waldo Middle School is committed to enhancing the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of every student. Students…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from the Principal Brian Valek Dear Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am honored to…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

Magnet Academy School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours (Magnet Academy): School Schedule Mon Tue (late start) Wed…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: The Magnet Academy’s purpose is to increase student interest and ability in STEM education to be college and career ready. The…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Clubs and Afterschool Activities Art — every other Wednesday from 2:45 – 4:30pm in Room 413 Chess – Fridays from 2:45 –…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy 8to18 Site District 131 believes that athletics are an integral part of the total educational experience for boys…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am honored to lead the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy…Dear Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am honored to lead the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

Magnet Academy Student ApplicationMagnet Academy Student Application

2024-2025 APPLICATION PROCESS *Applications closed on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. See timeline below for when parents will be notified…2024-2025 APPLICATION PROCESS *Applications closed on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. See timeline below for when parents will be notified…

Parent NewsletterParent Newsletter

FRMA parents/guardians, please read our monthly Parent Newsletters to learn more about events and information about our school. Read the January 10,…FRMA parents/guardians, please read our monthly Parent Newsletters to learn more about events and information about our school. Read the January 10,…

Digital CitizenshipDigital Citizenship

Dear Families, Over the past week, we have experienced a number of incidents involving inappropriate behavior and use of social media. Furthermore,…Dear Families, Over the past week, we have experienced a number of incidents involving inappropriate behavior and use of social media. Furthermore,…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Please see the 2021-2022 Course Catalog.…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal, Jennifer Mitchell Dear East Aurora High School Families,   I am proud to be the Principal at East Aurora…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

East Aurora High School Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year High School Regular Schedule Period Start Time End Time Red Day…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Welcome to East Aurora High School—home of the Tomcats! East Aurora High School is a public four-year high school located in Aurora,…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

East Aurora High School offers a wide variety of clubs and activities. Please see below for more information. Clubs and Activities at…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


For all information about specific East Aurora High School athletic teams, coaches, and competition schedules please click here: EAHS Athletics Site District…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

During my time at East Aurora School District 131 I have served as the Director of Mathematics and Interventions as well as…Durante mi estancia en East Aurora School District 131 he fungido como Directora del Departamento de Matemáticas e Intervenciones así como Directora…

History of East Aurora High SchoolHistory of East Aurora High School

Few Illinois schools can boast of a history as rich, diverse and celebrated as East Aurora High School. For more than 150…Few Illinois schools can boast of a history as rich, diverse and celebrated as East Aurora High School. For more than 150…

Why a Tomcat?Why a Tomcat?

Through the 1920s, the East High teams did not have an official mascot or nickname. The teams were often referred to as…Through the 1920s, the East High teams did not have an official mascot or nickname. The teams were often referred to as…

Community ServiceServicio a la comunidad

Students will gain valuable career and vocation insights through community service. Colleges seek well-rounded students — not those only good with grades,…Los estudiantes obtendrán una valiosa perspectiva profesional y vocacional a través del servicio a la comunidad. Las universidades buscan estudiantes integrales, no…

Course CatalogCatalogo de cursos

(For the Course Catalog in Spanish, select “En Español” at the upper right hand corner)   2024-2025 EAHS Course Catalog 2025-2026 EAHS…2024-2025 EAHS Catálogo de Cursos 2025-2026 EAHS Course Catalog   East Aurora High School ha establecido una amplia variedad de ofertas de…

Graduation InfoInformación sobre la graduación

Hello Tomcats! First, my apologies for not sending this message to you a bit sooner. However, today I want to provide you…Hola Tomcats! Primero, mis disculpas por no enviarles este mensaje más temprano. Sin embargo, hoy quiero brindarles algunas actualizaciones importantes, con respecto…

Health CenterCentro de salud

About the Health Center The goal of the Health Center is to improve the physical and emotional health of students attending EAHS…Sobre el Centro de salud El objetivo del Centro de Salud es mejorar la salud física y emocional de los estudiantes que…


Check out E-Books through the OverDrive app OverDrive Click link below for step by step instructions: Check out Ebooks from EAHS Library…Consulta los libros electrónicos a través de la aplicación OverDrive OverDrive Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver las instrucciones paso…

Transcript RequestsSolicitud de trasncripciones

Current East Aurora High School students must request transcripts though their SchooLinks account. Current students that need assistance with this process should…Los estudiantes actuales de East Aurora High School deben solicitar las transcripciones a través de su cuenta de SchooLinks.  Los estudiantes que…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal, Taveras Crump Dear EAEC Families, My name is Taveras J. Crump and I am the proud Principal of the…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

East Aurora Extension Campus School Day Schedule 2023-2024 Regular School Day Period Start Time End Time Minutes Student Support 8:00 8:13 0:13…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

The East Aurora Extension Campus (EAEC) was opened in the 2014-15 school year as a place to provide safe, appropriate locations for…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


District 131 believes that athletics are an integral part of the total educational experience for boys and girls. We encourage all student…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear EAEC Families, My name is Taveras J. Crump and I am the proud Principal of the East Aurora Extension Campus. I…Dear EAEC Families, My name is Taveras J. Crump and I am the proud Principal of the East Aurora Extension Campus. I…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

Extension LeadershipExtension Leadership

Extension Leadership   Administration Taveras Crump Principal (630) 299-8130     Deans Dr. Megan Murray Dean (630) 299-3084  Extension Leadership   Administration Taveras Crump Principal (630) 299-8130     Deans Dr. Megan Murray Dean (630) 299-3084  


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED.El Cuerpo de Entrenamiento de Oficiales de Reserva Juvenil Naval del East Aurora School District 131 (NJROTC) se estableció en 1996. La…

School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Patricia Rangel Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! As the Principal of Benavides STEAM Academy, I look forward to…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

STEAM Academy School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Benavides) School Schedule Mon Tue (late start) Wed Thu…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Vision: Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow The Benavides STEAM Academy is a modern, high-tech facility that serves approximately 450 Kindergarten, first grade, and…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

This year, Benavides STEAM Academy is offering the following clubs to their student population: Chorus Fitness Storybook Art Theater  STEAM Tech Math Science…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! As the Principal of Benavides STEAM Academy, I look forward to supporting teachers, putting students at…Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! As the Principal of Benavides STEAM Academy, I look forward to supporting teachers, putting students at…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

Parent NewslettersParent Newsletters

For the latest and greatest school happenings from our principal, please join our school’s Class Dojo community. For the latest and greatest school happenings from our principal, please join our school’s Class Dojo community. 


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Interim Principal, Jonathan Simpson Dear Allen Families, I am excited for another great year at Allen Elementary School. I have…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

NewsNoticias de la escuela

Principal Newsletter Oct 2018Principal Newsletter Oct 2018

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission Statement: “We will ensure high levels of learning for all students.” O.C. Allen Elementary is located in Aurora, Illinois, a far…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Allen offers many afterschool opportunities for students ranging from the arts to sports. A few of our Fine Arts programs are Art…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the Interim PrincipalLetter from the Interim Principal

Dear Allen Families, I am excited for another great year at Allen Elementary School. I have spent over 15 years working in…Dear Allen Families, I am excited for another great year at Allen Elementary School. I have spent over 15 years working in…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

Parent ResourcesParent Resources

Local Resources Aurora Public Library Events for Families-These events do not require a library card. Aurora Public Library Museum Pass- requires you…Local Resources Aurora Public Library Events for Families-These events do not require a library card. Aurora Public Library Museum Pass- requires you…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from the Principal, Catherine Cohoon Dear Bardwell Families, On behalf of the dedicated teachers and staff of Bardwell Elementary School, I…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Vision: “Bardwell Nourishes Souls and Challenges Minds” C.M. Bardwell School is located in Aurora, Il. It is one of  the largest elementary…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Bardwell currently offers the following activities and clubs for both boys and girls Art Club  Basketball Choir Cheerleading Drama Family Focus Soccer…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Bardwell Families, On behalf of the dedicated teachers and staff of Bardwell Elementary School, I would like to welcome you to…Dear Bardwell Families, On behalf of the dedicated teachers and staff of Bardwell Elementary School, I would like to welcome you to…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal, Lirio Ramirez Dear Beaupre Families, Welcome, new and returning Pumas! I look forward to meeting you as we begin…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Vision: “Inspiring Learners to Achieve Excellence” W.S. Beaupre Elementary School is located in Aurora, Illinois in East Aurora School District 131. Approximately…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Beaupre offers a variety of activities and clubs to meet the needs of our students varied interests. These opportunities include art club,…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Beaupre Families, Welcome, new and returning Pumas! I look forward to meeting you as we begin the ’24-’25 academic year. Together,…Dear Beaupre Families, Welcome, new and returning Pumas! I look forward to meeting you as we begin the ’24-’25 academic year. Together,…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

School NewslettersSchool Newsletters

Beaupre’s Newsletter Club. The Beaupre Newsletter Club is an extracurricular club that writes and publishes the quarterly school newsletter.  Checkout the newsletters…Beaupre’s Newsletter Club. The Beaupre Newsletter Club is an extracurricular club that writes and publishes the quarterly school newsletter.  Checkout the newsletters…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal  Elizabeth Vivanco Dear Brady Families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We will continue to grow together and thrive…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: Striving for Excellence L.D. Brady Elementary school was built in honor of Lorenzo D. Brady, an Illinois legislator, mayor and East…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Brady Families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We will continue to grow together and thrive for excellence from the inside…Dear Brady Families, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We will continue to grow together and thrive for excellence from the inside…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

L.D. Brady Elementary provides activities of all types for students to explore their interests. Offerings include Choir, Peace Jam, Theater Club, Art…L.D. Brady Elementary provides activities of all types for students to explore their interests. Offerings include Choir, Peace Jam, Theater Club, Art…

History of Lorenzo D. BradyHistory of Lorenzo D. Brady

History of Lorenzo D. Brady Imagine standing on your front porch at North Lincoln Avenue and Spring Street in Aurora, watching puffing…History of Lorenzo D. Brady Imagine standing on your front porch at North Lincoln Avenue and Spring Street in Aurora, watching puffing…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Lauren Cunningham Dear Dieterich Parents and Guardians, It is my great honor to begin my 5th year leading our…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Welcome to Dieterich Elementary School! G. N. Dieterich School is located in Aurora, IL. We are one of 21 schools in East…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Dieterich offers a variety of programs and activities for students to participate in outside of the school day. Family Focus provides an…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Dieterich Parents and Guardians, Our goal in East Aurora School District 131 is to ensure all of our students are college…Dear Dieterich Parents and Guardians, Our goal in East Aurora School District 131 is to ensure all of our students are college…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Fatima Ballesteros Dear Gates Families, Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to be serving as…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Student LoginsStudent Logins

Accelerated Reader Destiny Library Lexia Storyworks Jr. Scholastic News  Accelerated Reader Destiny Library Lexia Storyworks Jr. Scholastic News  

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: Gates will empower individuals to recognize and optimize their greatest potential as productive global citizens. Gates will create a community of…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Clubs and After School Activities: Soccer offered after school until 4:30 pm in the fall. Basketball offered after school until 5 pm…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Gates Families, Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to be serving as your new Gates Principal, along…Dear Gates Families, Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited to be serving as your new Gates Principal, along…

Destiny LibraryDestiny Library

Destiny Library -click link below to find books in the Library! Library -click link below to find books in the Library!

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Interim Principal, Kelly M. Hills Dear Hermes Elementary School Community,  Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you all…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission:  At Hermes School, our mission is to cultivate a collaborative, student-centered educational environment where students can persevere, thrive, and collaborate with…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Hermes also offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities.  Students of various grades can participate in Art Club, Math & Science Club,…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Hermes Elementary School Community,  Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you all are having an incredible summer! I am…Dear Hermes Elementary School Community,  Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you all are having an incredible summer! I am…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Ines Sem Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at C.I. Johnson Elementary School! On behalf…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Welcome to C.I. Johnson Elementary School! C.I. Johnson Elementary School is located in Aurora, IL a far western suburban area of Chicago.…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Johnson Jaguars are known for following CDC Guidelines, being responsible, respectful, and safe at all times while participating in after-school activities. Currently…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at C.I. Johnson Elementary School! On behalf of the entire staff, we…Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at C.I. Johnson Elementary School! On behalf of the entire staff, we…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

Elementary Magnet Academy ApplicationElementary Magnet Academy Application

2024-2025 APPLICATION PROCESS *Applications closed on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. See timeline below for when parents will be notified…2024-2025 APPLICATION PROCESS *Applications closed on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. See timeline below for when parents will be notified…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

Main OfficeMain Office

                                           …                                           …

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from the Interim Principal, Sheila Conrad Dear Krug Families:  On behalf of the entire staff of Rose E. Krug Elementary School,…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: Rose E. Krug School’s parents, students, staff, and community partners will contribute to creating a positive learning environment in order to…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Clubs and Activities: Sports – soccer, basketball, volleyball, fitness, softball, and cheerleading Peace Jam Art Club Math/Science Club Technology Club Drama Club…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Krug Families:  On behalf of the entire staff of Rose E. Krug Elementary School, we welcome you to the 2024 –…Dear Krug Families:  On behalf of the entire staff of Rose E. Krug Elementary School, we welcome you to the 2024 –…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

School NewslettersSchool Newsletters

Krug families can view a PDF of  the quarterly school newsletter here. First Quarter Parent Newsletter – Fall 2021 Parent Newsletter –…Krug families can view a PDF of  the quarterly school newsletter here. First Quarter Parent Newsletter – Fall 2021 Parent Newsletter –…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Tonetta Davis As the proud Principal of O’Donnell Elementary School, I am thrilled to welcome everyone back to another…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Welcome to O’Donnell Elementary School! Mabel O’Donnell Elementary School opened in 1965 along with its sister school, Rose E. Krug. Both schools…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

As the proud Principal of O’Donnell Elementary School, I am thrilled to welcome everyone back to another dynamic and inspiring year at…As the proud Principal of O’Donnell Elementary School, I am thrilled to welcome everyone back to another dynamic and inspiring year at…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Dr. Juan Corona Hello Rollins Families! I am excited about starting the 2024-2025 school year with you at Rollins…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Elementary School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Allen, Bardwell, Beaupre, Brady, Dieterich, Gates, Gonzalez Child Center, Hermes,…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Mission: At Rollins, we are a family of inspired learners who are actively thinking and working together to reach our fullest potential.…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

Clubs and ActivitiesClubs and Activities

Rollins offers a variety of activities and clubs. We have sports such as soccer, cheerleading, volleyball, softball, and basketball for our 4th…East Aurora High School ofrece una variedad de clubs y actividades. Por favor, vea abajo para más información. Clubes y organizaciones en…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


Students in 5th grade have opportunities to participate in a variety of intramural athletic activities during the course of the school year. Students…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Hello Rollins Families! I am excited about starting the 2024-2025 school year with you at Rollins Elementary School!  This will be my…Hello Rollins Families! I am excited about starting the 2024-2025 school year with you at Rollins Elementary School!  This will be my…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey


Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal, Stephanie Steinbrecher Welcome back to Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, where we are A.R.I.E.S. and we S.O.A.R.! As the…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Welcome to the Gonzalez Child Center! This current school building has been open since the 2011-2012 school year. In August 2016, the…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Welcome back to Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, where we are A.R.I.E.S. and we S.O.A.R.! As the proud principal of this great…Welcome back to Aries “Jaybird” Gonzalez Child Center, where we are A.R.I.E.S. and we S.O.A.R.! As the proud principal of this great…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

District E-Learning PlanDistrict E-Learning Plan

District 131 has an e-learning plan for students in all grade levels. See the document below. East Aurora District E-Learning PlanDistrict 131 has an e-learning plan for students in all grade levels. See the document below. East Aurora District E-Learning Plan

Remote Learning PlanRemote Learning Plan

East Aurora School District 131 Remote Learning Plan: The document below is designed to provide clarification and direction, and to ensure continuity…East Aurora School District 131 Remote Learning Plan: The document below is designed to provide clarification and direction, and to ensure continuity…

Websites & Apps: At-home LearningWebsites & Apps: At-home Learning

Websites: View Newsela Support Video View Dreambox Support Videos…Websites: View Newsela Support Video View Dreambox Support Videos…


Register for Preschool East Aurora School District 131 is now accepting registrations for 3 and 4 year old children. Registration is the…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Principal Susan Orozco Dear Early Childhood Center families, We are excited to begin our learning journey through the 2024-2025 school…Carta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School HoursSchool Hours

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

Our vision is to encourage our community to value the importance of early learning among our youngest citizens. We believe children’s academic…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the PrincipalLetter from the Principal

Dear Early Childhood Center families, We are excited to begin our learning journey through the 2024-2025 school year! It is a great…Dear Early Childhood Center families, We are excited to begin our learning journey through the 2024-2025 school year! It is a great…


East Aurora’s Jumpstart program provides support and information to parents with children ages 0 to 3 as well as for families who…East Aurora’s Jumpstart program provides support and information to parents with children ages 0 to 3 as well as for families who…

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

Virtual Field TripsVirtual Field Trips

Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…Chicagoland Resources WVHS Planetarium: Backyard Stargazing resources  Brookfield Zoo: Daily live chats at 11 a.m. with animals and care staff  YouTube video playlist…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Remote Learning PlanRemote Learning Plan

East Aurora School District 131 Remote Learning Plan: The document below is designed to provide clarification and direction, and to ensure continuity…East Aurora School District 131 Remote Learning Plan: The document below is designed to provide clarification and direction, and to ensure continuity…

Websites & Apps: At-home LearningWebsites & Apps: At-home Learning

Websites: View Newsela Support Video View Dreambox Support Videos…Websites: View Newsela Support Video View Dreambox Support Videos…


District 131 new students must register at the District’s Centralized Registration office. Registration Information and Packets Schedule an Appointment To schedule an…Los nuevos estudiantes del Distrito 131 deben registrarse en la oficina de Registro Centralizado del Distrito. Paquete de información y registro Por…


Letter from Assistant Director, Maritza Martinez Dear East Aurora Families, [Maritza’s Text Goes Here] Read Full Letter from the Assistant DirectorCarta de la Directora, Jennifer Mitchell Queridas familias de East Aurora High School, East Aurora High School ofrece a cada estudiante una…

Staff LoginsInicio de sesión para el personal

LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…LINKS FOR EAST AURORA FACULTY AND STAFF The links below are intended primarily for current East Aurora faculty and staff, with many…

One DriveOne Drive

This is more information about Microsoft Office 365This is more information about Microsoft Office 365

District Report CardDistrict Report Card

This page will have all the important information about the district on it. Make sure everyone sees this page because it has all…(es)This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up…


We are always looking for talent to support our important work with students. To learn more about employment opportunities with District 131,…Nosotros siempre estamos buscando talento para apoyar a nuestro importante trabajo con los estudiantes. Para conocer más de las oportunidades de empleo…

District BoundariesLímites del distrito

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this map. The boundary map tool has been created to…Tenga en cuenta: Todos los esfuerzos han sido realizados para garantizar la exactitud de este mapa. La herramienta de mapa de límites…

ADA ComplianceADA Compliance

This site is ADA Compliant. The District 131 website contains the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards, and we follow many practices in making……needs translation This site is ADA Compliant. It is up to the latest WCAG 2.0 AA standards. We follow many practices in…


2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año Escolar2024-2025 School Year2024-2025 Año EscolarGoogle Training and Resources for ParentsEntrenamiento y recursos de Google Para PadresE-Learning PlanPlan de…

Weather Related Closings & DelaysCierre y demoras debido al clima

View the Weather Guidelines for children to understand the weather forecast and safety precautions to take. When forecasts call for measurable snow,…El Distrito Escolar del Este de Aurora 131 anunciará el cierre de las escuelas solamente. Vea las Pautas Meteorológicas Para Niños(as) para…

Student and Parent HandbookGuía para padres y estudiantes

The Student-Parent Handbook provides a means for District 131 to communicate to students and parents/guardians what is generally expected of  them regarding…El manual para estudiantes y padres provee un medio para que el Distrito 131 comunique a los estudiantes y padres/tutores lo que…

School Day ScheduleHorario Escolar

Pre-K Half Day School Hours Please reference the below chart for daily school hours: (Early Childhood Center, Gonzalez Child Center, & Oak…Horario escolar de Medio día de Pre-Kindergarten Por favor consulte con el horario abajo para ver las horas escolares diarias: (Centro de…

School Supply ListsLista de útiles escolares

School supply lists for the 2024-2025 school year for all K-12 grade District 131 schools English-2024-2025-School-Supplies-Lists Kindergarten General School Supplies 6 Dry…Las listas de útiles escolares para el año escolar 2024-2025 para todas las escuelas del Kínder al grado 12 del Distrito 131.…

School Hours and Bell ScheduleSchool Hours and Bell Schedule

East Aurora Extension Campus School Day Schedule 2023-2024 Regular School Day Period Start Time End Time Minutes Student Support 8:00 8:13 0:13…Horario para el Año Escolar 2024-2025 en East Aurora High School Timbre regular de horario de la Escuela Secundaria Periodo Horario Inicio…

About Our SchoolNuestra escuela

The East Aurora Extension Campus (EAEC) was opened in the 2014-15 school year as a place to provide safe, appropriate locations for…Bienvenido a East Aurora High School, ¡el hogar de los Tomcats! East Aurora High School es una escuela preparatoría pública de cuatro…

School MealsAlimentos escolares

D131 School Menus and Meals Menus In partnership with our meal providers, District 131 strives to provide as much variety as possible…Menús y comidas escolares de D131 Menús En colaboración con nuestros proveedores de comidas, District 131 se esfuerza por brindar la mayor…

Parent LiaisonParent Liaison

Your school’s parent liaison can assist you with a variety of needs and concerns, including: Assisting parents with questions about Parent Portal.…El enlace familiar de la escuela puede ayudarle con una variedad de necesidades y preocupaciones, inclusive: Ayudar a los padres/madres con preguntas…


District 131 believes that athletics are an integral part of the total educational experience for boys and girls. We encourage all student…El Distrito 131 cree que los deportes son parte integral de una experiencia educacional completa para niñas y niños. Nosotros recomendamos a…

Use of School FacilitiesUso de las instalaciones escolares

As outlined in Board of Education Policy 8:20  – Community Use of School Facilities, school facilities are available to community organizations during…Como se indica en al Normas de la Junta de Educación 8:20 – Uso comunitario de las instalaciones escolares, las instalaciones escolares…

Attendance and AbsencesAsistencia y ausencias

In order for your student to have success, it is important they arrive to school on time every day. If your student…Para que sus estudiantes tengan éxito, es importante que ellos lleguen a tiempo a la escuela cada día. Si su estudiante va…


Transportation Updates Bus route information for the 2024-2025 school year is now live on the Parent Portal. Eligible students will receive notifications…Actualizaciones de transporte La información de la ruta del autobús para el año escolar 2024-2025 esta disponible en el Portal de Padres.…

Letter from the Assistant DirectorLetter from the Assistant Director

Dear EA Families, XXXXXXDear EA Families, XXXXXX

Field TripsField Trips

District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…District 131 School Field Trip Forms and Information East Aurora School District 131 believes that field trips provide a valuable educational experience…

Extension LeadershipExtension Leadership

Extension Leadership   Administration Taveras Crump Principal (630) 299-8130     Deans Dr. Megan Murray Dean (630) 299-3084  Extension Leadership   Administration Taveras Crump Principal (630) 299-8130     Deans Dr. Megan Murray Dean (630) 299-3084  


DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…DreamBox Learning Math provides an individualized learning path that adapts continuously, seamlessly integrating assessment with instruction, so that students are always working…

5Essentials Parent Survey5Essentials Parent Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED. District 131 parents and guardians are invited to complete the 5Essentials Parent survey to help us better understand…

5Essentials Student Survey5Essentials Student Survey

SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED.El Cuerpo de Entrenamiento de Oficiales de Reserva Juvenil Naval del East Aurora School District 131 (NJROTC) se estableció en 1996. La…

School Meals and Bus RoutesSchool Meals and Bus Routes

East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…East Aurora School District 131 is offering FREE summer meals including breakfast and lunch for students 18 years and under during summer…

Emergency rates at Aurora hotelsEmergency rates at Aurora hotels

Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…Aurora hotels are offering special emergency rates. Contact the hotel directly for reservations. Quality Inn: 4005 Gabrielle Lane, Aurora 60504, (630) 820-3400…

Food Pantries Serving the Aurora AreaFood Pantries Serving the Aurora Area

Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…Aurora Area Interfaith Pantry 1110 Jericho Rd. Aurora, IL 60506 (630) 897-2127 Tuesday: 9-12 p.m. – Drive thru only Wednesday: 1…

No School/District Closed in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr. DayNo Hay Clases/Distrito Cerrado en Honor del Día de Martin Luther King Jr.

On Monday, January 20, our school district will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This day encourages us…El lunes 20 de enero, nuestro distrito escolar estará cerrado en conmemoración del Día de Martin Luther King Jr. Este día nos…

Waldo E-Learning Days | January 16 & 17Días del Aprendizaje Electrónico de Waldo | 16 y 17 de Enero

Dear Waldo Community, The health and safety of our staff and students is our highest priority. In the past few days we…Querida comunidad Waldo, La salud y seguridad de nuestro personal y estudiantes es nuestra máxima prioridad. En los últimos días hemos tenido…

First Coffee with the Principal of 2025Primer Café con la Directora de 2025

Welcome to our first Coffee with the Principal of 2025. It will take place this Thursday, January 16th at 9:30 AM at…Bienvenidos a nuestro primer café con la directora de este 2025. Se llevará a cabo en la sala de usos múltiples de…

Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy Named One of the Best Middle Schools in the Nation by US News & World ReportFred Rodgers Magnet Academy Nombrada Una de las Mejores Escuelas Intermedias del País por US News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report has named Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy one of the best Middle Schools in the Nation for 2025!…¡U.S. News & World Report ha nombrado a Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy una de las mejores escuelas intermedias del país de 2025!…


LCFS: “Best Start for Families”, Talented Tenth Social Services & Creating Space presents… ALL YOUTH LEADERSHIP PROJECT DISTRICT 131 STUDENTS GRADES 7-10…LCFS: “Best Start for Families”, Talented Tenth Social Services & Creating Space presenta … PROYECTO DE LIDERAZGO PARA JÓVENES ESTUDIANTES DEL DISTRITO…

Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BPAC)Comité de Asesoría de padres bilingües (BPAC)

The Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BPAC) is a district-wide advisory group that meets in schools across the district, and advocates for excellence…El Comité de Asesoría de padres bilingües (BPAC). Somos un grupo de asesoría a nivel distrito que se reúne en las escuelas…

Illinois 2024 Teacher of the Year Cultivates Sense of Belonging at EASD 131Maestra del Año de Illinois 2024 Cultiva el Sentido de Pertenencia en EASD 131

East Aurora School District 131 invited the 2024 Illinois Teacher of the Year, Dr. Rachael Mahmood, to talk to teachers and staff…  El Distrito Escolar 131 de East Aurora invitó a la Maestra del Año de Illinois 2024, Dra. Rachael Mahmood, a hablar…

Spirit-Wear Sale January 14-31, 2025Venta de ropa del espíritu escolar

Krug Elementary will be having a spirit-wear between January 14 and January 31, 2025. The sale will include short and long sleeve…Krug Elementary tendrá una venta de ropa del espíritu escolar entre el 14 y el 31 de enero de 2025. La venta…

Parent Newsletter - January 10Boletín para padres - 10 de enero

FRMA families, Happy new year! We are excited to have our students back at school. Please see these important announcements: January Dates…Familias de FRMA, ¡Feliz año nuevo! Estamos emocionados de tener a nuestros estudiantes nuevamente en la escuela. Por favor, lea estos anuncios…

Reminder: No School on January 13, 2025Recordatorio: No Habrá Clases el 13 de Enero de 2025

Reminder: No School on January 13, 2025 This is a friendly reminder that there will be no school on Monday, January 13,…Recordatorio: No habrá clases el 13 de enero de 2025 Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que no habrá clases el lunes…

Your Voice Matters! Superintendent Search Survey Closes January 12, 2025¡Tu Voz Importa! La Encuesta Cierra el 12 de Enero de 2025

Parents, Teachers, Staff, Students and Community – Your Voice Matters in Selecting Our Next Superintendent! The survey is open from December 19,…Padres, maestros, personal, estudiantes y comunidad: ¡su voz importa a la hora de elegir a nuestro próximo superintendente! La encuesta está abierta…

East High School Advise and Sign - January 21Aviso y firma de East High School - 21 de enero

Dear Parents/Guardians, We are excited to begin the process of preparing your eighth-grade students for their transition to East Aurora High School.…Estimados Padres/ Tutores Estamos entusiasmados por comenzar el proceso de preparación de sus estudiantes de octavo grado para su transición a East…

Students Return to School January 6, 2025Estudiantes Regresan a Escuela el 6 de Enero de 2025

EASD 131 schools open and students return to class  on Monday, January 6, 2025.  Stay warm and we’ll see you soon! Las escuelas del distrito EASD 131 abrirán y estudiantes regresan a clases el lunes 6 de enero de 2025. ¡Manténgasen abrigados y…

Superintendent Search Focus GroupsGrupos Focales de la Búsqueda de Superintendente

Superintendent Search Focus Group Schedule for January 8 and January 9, 2025 You’re invited to join us in person to give your…Horario del Grupo Focal de Búsqueda del Superintendente el 8 de enero y 9 de enero del 2025 Está invitado a unirse…

Scholarship Opportunities for EAHS StudentsOportunidades de Becas para Estudiantes de EAHS

  Make sure to apply for the many scholarship opportunities available from the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley Scholarship program!…¡Asegúrese de aplicar para las numerosas oportunidades de becas disponibles en el programa de becas del Community Foundation of the Fox River…

Business Apprenticeship Opportunity for EAHS SeniorsBusiness Apprenticeship Opportunity for EAHS Seniors

For any graduating seniors interested in studying business in college, representatives of the Zurich  Apprenticeship Program will be in the Tomcat College…For any graduating seniors interested in studying business in college, representatives of the Zurich  Apprenticeship Program will be in the Tomcat College…

Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

We wish all of our EASD 131 students, staff, teachers, board of education, community and their families an incredible 2025! Remember to…¡Les deseamos a todos nuestros estudiantes, personal, maestros, junta educativa, comunidad y sus familias de EASD 131 un increíble 2025! ¡Recuerda échale…

Spirit Week Jan. 6 - Jan. 10Semana del espíritu escolar del 6 al 10 de enero

Johnson School will kick off the new year with a spirit week. This was earned by the students for showing “ownership” throughout…La escuela Johnson comenzará el nuevo año con una semana del espíritu escolar. Los estudiantes obtuvieron este premio por demostrar “responsabilidad” durante…

Grateful for Our Community This SeasonAgradecidos por Nuestra Comunidad Esta Temporada

As the holiday season approaches, we want to take a moment to celebrate all the incredible accomplishments we’ve achieved together this year.…A medida que se acerca la temporada navideña, queremos tomar un momento para celebrar todos los logros increíbles que hemos alcanzado juntos…

Leading the Way: Junior PE Leaders Inspire Hermes Students!Liderando el Camino: ¡Jóvenes Líderes de Educación Física Inspiran a Estudiantes de Hermes!

Our East Aurora High School Junior Physical Education student leaders are taking an exciting step in their journey by collaborating with Hermes…Nuestros Líderes de Educación Física de Tercer Año de East Aurora High School están dando un paso emocionante en su camino al…

Finance & Personnel CommitteeComité de finanzas y personal

5:30pm July 1, 2024 - July 2, 2025
EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.

Buildings and Grounds CommitteeComité de Edificios e Instalaciones

6pm July 1, 2024 - July 2, 2025
EASD 131 Administrative Center, 310 Seminary Avenue, AuroraEASD 131 Administrative Center, 310 Seminary Avenue, Aurora

Curriculum CommitteeComité del Plan de Estudios

6pm July 15, 2024 - July 16, 2025
EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.EASD 131 Administrative Center at 310 Seminary Ave. Aurora, 60505.

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)Sociedad Nacional de Honor Juvenil (NJHS)

2:45pm-4:30pm September 4, 2024 - September 7, 2025

GLOW ClubClub Resplandor

2:45pm-4:30pm September 12, 2024 - September 17, 2025
Room 408Room 408

EA Food DayDía de Comida EA

3:15pm September 12, 2024 - September 22, 2025

Technology ClubClub de tecnología

2:45pm-4:30pm September 18, 2024 - September 29, 2025

PeaceJamJams de paz

2:45pm-4:30pm September 18, 2024 - September 16, 2025
Room 406Room 406

Coffee with the Principal Café con el Director

10am-11am September 19, 2024 - September 22, 2025

Math TeamEquipo de Matemáticas

2:45pm-4:30pm September 19, 2024 - September 22, 2025
Room 306Room 306

Chess Clubclub de ajedrez

2:45pm-4pm September 20, 2024 - September 9, 2025
Room 211Room 211

Fix-It/MakerSpace ClubClub Fix-It/MakerSpace

2:45pm-4:30pm September 24, 2024 - September 18, 2025

STEM Ignition ClubEl club de STEM Ignition

2:30pm-4pm October 1, 2024 - October 13, 2025

STEM Ignition ClubClub de Iniciación STEM

3:30pm-5pm October 1, 2024 - October 13, 2025

Art ClubClub de Arte

2:45pm-4:30pm October 2, 2024 - October 21, 2025
Room 413Room 413

Yearbook ClubClub del anuario

2:45pm-4:30pm October 3, 2024 - October 20, 2025

Newspaper ClubClub de periódicos

2:45pm-4:30pm October 10, 2024 - October 1, 2025

Student Councilconsejo estudiantil

2:45pm-4:30pm October 15, 2024 - October 20, 2025
Room 314Room 314

Financial Aid WorkshopFinancial Aid Workshop

6pm-8pm December 10, 2024 - December 8, 2025